Bird genealogy >> Order Accipitriformes >> Family Accipitridae
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Doñana National Park, Andalusia


Make Nikon D300
Lens Nikkor AF-S VR 70-300 mm f/4.5-5.6G   at 450 mm
Exposure 1/640 s, f/13, ISO 400 
Image size 800 x 531 pixels

IOC Names

Deutsch  Wiesenweihe Dutch  Grauwe Kiekendief
Italian  Albanella minore Spanish  Aguilucho Cenizo


This is a male Montagu's Harrier which is recognized by the horizontal black bar on the upper wing.


  All photos are copyright protected. No use without express consent. Authors are grateful for comments.

Montagu's Harrier male
Circus pygargus
Busard cendré

Jean-Michel PAULUS